Count it All Joy


Enjoy your time outside and count it all joy. This design of the sunset over the rocks of Southern California is sure to bring joy to your outdoor gear. Design by my dear friend Josue Rosas.

The vinyl sticker is long-lasting, weatherproof vinyl that stands up to the dishwasher or abrasive use. The perfect fit anywhere with a size of 3” in diameter.

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Enjoy your time outside and count it all joy. This design of the sunset over the rocks of Southern California is sure to bring joy to your outdoor gear. Design by my dear friend Josue Rosas.

The vinyl sticker is long-lasting, weatherproof vinyl that stands up to the dishwasher or abrasive use. The perfect fit anywhere with a size of 3” in diameter.

Enjoy your time outside and count it all joy. This design of the sunset over the rocks of Southern California is sure to bring joy to your outdoor gear. Design by my dear friend Josue Rosas.

The vinyl sticker is long-lasting, weatherproof vinyl that stands up to the dishwasher or abrasive use. The perfect fit anywhere with a size of 3” in diameter.

Proud Climber Pack
Climb with Pride
Climb Happier
Mountain She/Her Pronoun Sticker
Mountain He/His Pronoun Sticker